Housing Rights, Gender Equality and Governance

Supporting urban poor communities and their allies who struggle for housing and human rights, gender equality and participation in democratic governance.


International Involvement in Housing Rights

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Rooftops Canada’s programs, projects, and partnerships are guided by the principle that everyone has the right to a secure place to live in peace and dignity. Well-located, affordable housing in sustainable communities reduces poverty and creates vibrant, inclusive, and healthy cities. We helped define the right to adequate housing in the UN human rights system and supported local civil society networks’ struggles to prevent forced evictions and secure land tenure in many countries including Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. 

As a member of the Habitat International Coalition (HIC), Rooftops Canada promotes housing rights, gender equality, and inclusive human settlements governance. The Coalition’s impact is rooted in its members: grassroots, women’s and civil society organizations, and academic, research, and professional associations from 80 countries worldwide. Rooftops Canada has provided technical assistance and young professionals to assist HIC and its Housing and Land Rights Network. In addition, we have participated in numerous Canadian delegations to UN human settlements councils and conferences. 

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Gender Equality in Sub-Saharan Africa

Inequitable land and housing rights lie at the heart of women’s poverty, exclusion, and insecurity in urban slums. When women have equal land, housing, and livelihood rights, they can better provide for household needs and respond to challenges such as gender-based violence, HIV, and COVID-19. Formal gender equality is recognized in many constitutions, laws, and international commitments, but in practice, large gender equality gaps remain due to entrenched attitudes and power structures. Rooftops Canada is helping Sub-Saharan civil society organizations, women’s groups, urban communities living in poverty and governments develop new outlooks and practices that respect women’s rights to own and inherit land and housing and fully participate in decision-making about their housing and communities.

Enabling Inclusive Governance

Effective housing processes enable people to work together and determine their own solutions. This strengthens democratic governance by encouraging dialogue among communities, local and senior levels of government, and other stakeholders. Rooftops Canada’s programs help empower civil society and grassroots organizations while also promoting good governance. Our overseas partners help open doors for dialogue with the government and make positive contributions to emerging housing and urban policies.


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